Monday, October 29, 2012

From Zero to Hero (a little story of Teh Herni)

                Everyone has the own goal. Someone who has found his or her goal, she or he might try hard to make it come true. Goal can be everything for humans. Goal also becomes something as if it is the spirit of life. Without a goal we are nothing, because of the goal too we can know where we have to run over the world. From goal we learn the meaning of working hard. By working hard we can reach our willing from zero to the top even to the hero. A goal has come to a great woman namely Herni Ramdlaningrum. She is a hero for Indonesian until now.
               Herni Ramdlaningrum is a great woman in this era. She has high passion in sociality aspect, even she has become a hero for Indonesian. She used to school at Mu’allimien Islamic School in Leuwiliang. She had known as a clever one.  She used to study in UIN (Islamic State University of Jakarta). She took the “people’s health” major at that time. Now she has a lovely child named Feivel. He might be as clever as his mother. According to the people and teachers who knew her well, they said that she was very clever, friendly, and warm-hearted to everyone. She was also very socialize so she enrolled and active in Muhammadiyah organization even until now.
             During his school, she drew and built her step of goal. One of the teacher ever told that some of Herni’s friends were laughing when she told her willingness to get and relate a friendship with foreigner all over the world. But she did not even really care of his friends. She kept going to her goal. Moreover she tried hard and proved to the people that she could do whatever and make what she said come true.
             As the time went by, she had shown people his struggle and successfulness. Now she becomes a hero for Indonesian, as if she is a bridge for Indonesian to other countries. She had been to other countries such as South Korea, Brazil, United Kingdom, and so on. She also experienced Indonesian well. She knows much more. She is being known as a hero, it is due to her struggle in sociality she done. She takes a great part in volunteering among Indonesian children. She always becomes a social hero for Indonesian by volunteering with other foreigner, from South Korea.
              Currently she businesses in Luwak Coffee cafĂ©. She is really hard working woman ever after.  Now she has a lot of experiences, further more she gets a lot of friends around the world. Those all she did by her hard working and high passion. She had never given up, even until now she still admires that she does not success yet. She does not show her successful to people, that is make her become someone who beloved by people. She makes the world as her passion, that is also makes her keep going to the top. 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ilmu Alamiah Dasar Fakultas Sastra (Inggris): MEMBEKAS DI HATI


      Kurang lebih dua tahun yang lalu, yaitu di semester dua ada satu mata kuliah wajib yang harus diambil oleh para mahasiswa/i sastra Inggris. Ialah mata kuliah Ilmu Alamiah Dasar atau IAD (sekarang sudah tiada), begitulah para mahasiswa/i sering menyingkatnya. IAD pada masa kami dibimbing oleh bapak Drs. Cecep Sudrajat. Selain mengajar di fakultas Sastra beliau juga sering mengajar di fakultas-fakultas lain seperti MIPA, FKIP, dan lain-lain. Di akhir perkuliahan beliau memberikan tugas akhir yang sangat berkesan, yaitu penelitian lapangan ke Penangkaran Elang di daerah Cihideung, tepatnya berada di kaki gunung Salak, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Sejatinya penangkaran elang itu merupakan Cagar Alam, yaitu kawasan untuk melindungi flora dan fauna. Namun dalam di cagar alam yang telah kami kunjungi tersebut memperbolehkan adanya aktifitas manusia yang berupa penelitian yang bersifat mendidik masyarakat luas.
Penangkaran elang yang terletak di Cihideung itu merupakan salah satu wahana untuk melestarikan elang yang tepatnya terletak di HTI (Hutan Tanam Industri) yang juga berada di kaki gunung Salak. Pada hari Selasa, 12 Juli 2011, dengan jumlah mahasiswa/i yang lumayan terhitung banyak berangkat ke penangkaran elang itu bersama bapak Drs. Cecep Sudrajat. Meskipun perjalanan menuju penangkaran tersebut tidaklah semulus jalan raya kota, namun suasana asri membuat indah perjalanan kami. Sungguh keasrian di sana mengalahkan semua yang terdapat di kota. Setelah melewati jalanan beraspal lalu dilanjutkan dengan jalan setapak yang hanya bisa dilewati oleh kendaraan beroda dua. Setelah itu tibalah kami di pintu gerbang penangkaran elang itu. Sesampainya di sana, kami disambut hangat oleh petugas yang ada di kantor utama untuk menuju penangkaran, selain sambutan itu hal yang paling teridah yaitu udara dingin gunung Salak yang sungguh membekukan darah hingga menusuk tulang kami, seakan-akan terpikir daerah itu dibentengi oleh mantra anti polusi, tidak ada polusi!. Waktu telah menunjukkan pukul 10.35 namun udara masih terasa sangat sejuk. Untuk menuju penangkaran kami harus melewati jembatan layang yang hanya dapat dilewati setidaknya 5 orang untuk satu kali lewat. Setelah melewati jembatan tibalah kami di area HTI yang hampir dipenuhi oleh pohon Pinus. Kami mulai menuju ke area penangkaran tersebut, sesampainya di sana ada salah satu mahasiswa diminta memberikan makan berupa Hamster untuk elang-elang itu oleh petugas. Ternyata sebelum memakan hamster itu, elang tersebut terlebih dahulu mencabi-cabik bulu-bulu hamster itu kemudian ia mulai pula memangsanya. Sungguh tidak tega melihatnya! Namun itulah rantai makanan.
Sesudah mengamati elang-elang itu menyantap makan siangnya, kami bergegas menelusuri kaki gunung. Dengan arahan dan bimbingan dari bapak Cecep sejatinya kami mengamati dan memelajari bermacam-macam jenis tumbuhan yang kami temui sepanjang jalan menelusuri kaki gunung Salak. Tujuan kami ialah ‘bermain sambil belajar’ di air terjun Cibadakyang berjarak 15 meter dari kantor utama. Jenis-jenis tumbuhan yang kami dapati ialah Pinus; Kecubung; Harendong; Tiperomia (sejenis merica); Biovita (lumut yang menempel di batang pohon Pinus); Impatience Balsamina (tumbuhan pacar); Sadagori (tumbuhan obat untuk asam urat); Sintrong (tumbuhan yang biasa dijadikan lalapan); Evatorium Trineta; Agerata (yaitu tumbuhan yang daunnya digunakan untuk antibakteri); kopi; Leukas; Pulus (tumbuhan yang daunnya memiliki unsur yang dapat membuat kulit gatal-gatal setelah menyentuhnya).
Selain dimanjakan oleh jenis-jenis tumbuhan, kami pun dimanjakan oleh adanya air terjun yang sangat indah. Di tengah HTI tersebut terdapat air terjun, air terjun Cibadak namanya. Di mana kami mencoba meminum air tersebut dan sungguh rasanya jauh lebih segar dibanding air mineral yang biasa kita minum sehari-hari. Maka tidak sedikit para mahasiswa/i yang membawanya pulang. Di sana pula kami mengadakan ‘babacakan’ (bahasa Sunda) yang berarti makan bersama. Selain itu tidak sedikit mahasiswa/i yang mandi di air terjun Cibadak itu. Setelah beristirahat, bapak Cecep memberikan intruksi untuk kembali ke kantor utama karena waktu telah menunjukan pukul 02.00 WIB. Akhirnya kami bergegas untuk kembali pulang, padahal saat itu kami masih sangat ingin menghabiskan waktu bersama. Namun apalah bisa dilakukan, karena waktu sudah hampir habis. Sesampainya di area di mana tertanam banyak pohon pinus, bapak Cecep memberikan arahan mengenai UAS. Dari raut wajahnya sungguh tidak tergambar ada kelelahan, sungguh semangatnya pun membuat kami membuang rasa lelah.
Pada saat itu, Selasa 12 Juli 2011, merupakan akan menjadi kesan yang tidak dapat terlupakan karena di mana saat itu telah terukir kebersamaan yang indah, serta kekompakkan di tiap diri mahasiswa/i. Juga terlebih kepada bapak Cecep yang kini sudah tidak memberikan materi kuliah pada kami, beliau sungguh berkesan di hati para mahasiswa/i. Kami sangat berterimakasih pada bapak Cecep Sudrajat yang tidak kenal lelah dalam membimbing kami dalam mata kuliah IAD. Kebersamaan saat itu sungguh ingin kami rasakan lagi. Canda tawa riang saat itu sungguh membuat kami rindu akan hari di mana kami harus meninggalkan mata kuliah IAD tersebut. Namun sungguh perjalanan itu membekas kesan indah di hati.

Korea Selatan : Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang

Republik Korea (bahasa Korea: Daehan Minguk; bahasa Inggris: Republic of Korea/ROK) biasanya dikenal sebagai “Korea Selatan”, adalah salah satu Negara di Asia Timur yang meliputi bagian Selatan Semenanjung Korea. Korea Selatan ialah salah satu Negara yang pernah dijajah oleh bangsa Jepang selama 36 tahun lamanya. Pada tahun 1950, Korea Selatan sangatlah terpuruk karena Negara gingseng tersebut mengalami perang hebat. Setelah perang selesai Jenderal Amerika, Mac Arthur, berkunjung ke Negara tersebut dan berkata, “...butuh 100 tahun untuk membangun kembali peradaban Negara ini”. Begitulah nyatanya kondisi Korea Selatan pada saat itu. Namun kini, Negara tersebut menjadi Negara satu-satunya di Asia yang dapat maju dan berkembang dengan cepat.  Mengapa Korea Selatan sedemikian bisanya mengubah statusnya yang dahulu sebagai “Negara Peminta” menjadi “Negara Pemberi”?. Semua it melalui proses dan bisa terwujud dengan kerja keras yang sungguh-sungguh, tekad yang kuat, juga kemajuan tersebut secara tidak langsung diakibatkan oleh budaya “ppalli-ppalli” milik mereka yang berarti “cepat-cepat” dalam melakukan segala hal.
Korea Selatan terletak di Semenanjung Korea bersama-sama dengan Korea Utara. Korea Selatan terletak bersebelahan dengan Cina dan Jepang. Negeri Gingseng itu juga terbentang sepanjang 1000 kilometer (km) kea rah Selatan, mulai bagian Timur Laut Benua Asia, dan lebarnya sekitar 300 km. oleh karena itu variasi iklim lebig terlihat perbedaannya di sepanjang sumbu Utara—Selatan. Perbedaan jenis-jenis tanaman, misalnya dapat dilihat antara bagian Utara yang dingn dan bagian Selatan yang hangat. Korea memiliki garis bujur yang sama dengan Jepang, yaitu 135 E, oleh karenanya kota Seoul, ibukota Korea Selatan, dan Tokyo sama-sama memiliki zona waktu yang lebih awal dari GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Total luas Semenanjung Korea ialah sekitar 222154 kilometer persegi (km2). Korea Selatan sendiri seluas 99 274 km2 dan ada sekitar 3000 pulau terbentang. Pulau terbesar ialah Jejudo, Geojedo, Gahwado, dan Namhaedo. Seoul/Gyeonggi (ibukota Korea Selatan) ialah daerah pusat urbanisasi terbesam; Busan adalah kota besar ke-2 dengan populasi lebih dari  4 juta; Daegu; Incheon: Gwangju; Daejon; dan Ulsan masing-masing berpenduduk lebih dari 1 juta orang.
Sebagai salah satu dari “Empat Macan Asia”, Korea Selatan telah mencapai rekor pertumbuhan yang memukau, yaitu membuat pertumbuhan ekonomi Korea Selatan terbesar ke-12 di seluruh dunia. Sekarang PDB per kapita kira-kia 20 kali lipat dari Korea Utara dan sam dengan ekonomi-ekonomi di Uni Eropa. Kesuksesan ini dicapai pada akhir 1980-an, dan Korea Selatan ini mendapat peringkat ke-12 dalam PDB nominal, tingkat pengangguran rendah, dan pendistribusian pendapatan yang relative merata. Salah satu hal unik yang terjadi dalam ekonomi Korea Selatan adalah peranan ‘Chaebol’ (konglomerat) yang mendominasi sejak lama, di antara 30 chaebol, 4 grup teratas ialah Hyundai, Samsung, Daewoo, dan LG. Korea Selatan terdiri dari 1 kota khusus (Teuk byeoksii), yaitu Seoul/Gyeonggi, 6 kota metropolitan (Gwangyeoksi), yaitu: Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju. Daejon, Uksan, dan 9 provinsi (do) yaitu: Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Chungcheong utara, Chungcheong Selatan, Jeolla Utara, Jeolla Selatan, Gyeongsang Utara, Gyeongsang Selatan dan Jeju.
Di Korea Selatan terdapat musim yaitu musim semi yang dimulai pada bulan April—Mei; musim panas yang jatuh pada bulan Agustus; musim gugur pada bulan Oktober; musim dingin yang berlangsung pada bulan Januari. Hari ini Korea Selatan telah membuktikan pada dunia bahwa ia bisa bersaing bersama Negara-negara maju lainnya di panggung dunia. Hal itu tidak akan terwujud tanpa adanya kerja keras, kesungguhan, dan tekad kuat.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Stylish Hijab

         Nowadays Hijab is getting popular among moslems in Indonesia. Wearing Hijab seems like something unusual at first, but as the time goes by it becomes the life style. Actually to cover women's hair by wearing Hijab is something that must be done, it is totally the duty for every woman. Here I recommend you some stylish but Islamic style of Hijab.

This is a very special edition of Rabbani Hijab brand. The pattern is completely full with flowers and it has the proper color combination. This beautiful hijab is also transparant that makes it different from the others.
Price              : Rp.50.000
Deliver Cost   : will be discussed later
                     This beautiful Hijab is unique and colorful which it also has the a nice lace and it makes this Hijab looks so pretty being used.
Price            : Rp.50.000
Deliver Cost : will be discussed later, it depends on the city
 The black and white color combination make this Hijab looks so elegant. It has a very long size, and the material is also very smooth and calm.
Price           : Rp.85.000
Deliver cost : will be discussed later.

The Hijab above is unique and colorful with the rainbow pattern which makes it looks bright. It also has a long size and calm-smooth material.
Price                : Rp.45.000
Deliver Cost     : will be discussed later

 It is Rabbani brand, it has a very long size and smooth material and the unique pattern too.
Price               : Rp.75.000
Deliver Cost    : will be discussed later
It's called a woll Hijab, but it has something different with the others, is the pattern which is formed like a small ball.
Price            :  Rp.69.000
Deliver Cost :  will be discussed later

Those are the Hijabs I recommended for you who want to cover your hair but still stylish. Please contact me on 0856776412.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Korean Culture Book

Guide to Korean Culture

Title                        : Guide to Korean Culture
Publisher               : Korean Culture and Information Service
                                  Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism
Year                        : 2009
Thickness             : 268 pages

                Our world has been hectic since “K-Pop fever” spread. Even in Indonesia, it almost became the first favorite music choice. It has been getting intense by some concerts which Korean idol groups held in Indonesia. Big Bang, Super Junior, SNSD, T ara, TVXQ and so on are become the world icon. Either old or young generation is fascinated by their performance. The K-Pop fever is symbolized by its boy or girl band. Indonesian young generation is going crazy in idol boy band. They totally love their idol, they do anything to express their loves. Enrolling some Korean courses for example, is one of their struggle in order to show how much they love Korea. They also practice Korean modern and traditional dance or song, practice to make Korean dishes, they even go along with Korean style (fashion), and so on. It is true that Korea can become one of the Asian Tiger and success in the world wide after the condition of being buried at World War II. In the World War II many people thought that Korea would not go forward and it would become the only poor country in East Asia. There was even someone, one of the sociologist at that time, he said “it will take 100 years to recovery this country to be better”. It showed how underdeveloped it was. But now, those statements are nothing, Korea now is very different. By their hard-work, they can make their goal faster than people thought.  Korean makes true the unbelievable thoughts of people. Now the world has realized that Korea is becoming one of the Asian Tiger. It is not only about K-pop which is getting popular nowadays, it is also about Korean culture, including its high technology system. There are many people all over the world, including Indonesia learn and know much about Korean culture. They are interested in learning it.
Therefore the publisher of this book (Guide to Korean Culture), Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, at 2009 edition stated that over long history, Koreans have developed a vibrant culture with unique customs that can be found throughout the peninsula and in distant lands where Korean communities continue to pass down traditions.
From its topic, this book was published by the title “Guide to Korean Culture” in order to tell people or reader about Korean culture and lives. So that they can get more knowledge about Korean Culture and love it well.
The publisher of this book used this word, “Korean Culture”, to express people what things which Korea has, either it is about traditions, customs, and so on. It also becomes the way to tell people in details about Korea.
The concept of this book indicates the texts and also the pictures which have essential role in explaining other topics or themes that still related to the Korean culture.
By the explanations whether it is texts or pictures which indicates the topics, it is true that Korea truly has many things in culture, for example about inheritance from Korean kingdoms such as temples (bulguksa temple), Pagodas (Seokgatap, Dabotap), Royal Ancestral Shrine (it enshrines the spirits tablets of its king and queen), Tripitaka Koreana (is the oldest and most comprehensive compilation of Buddhist scriptures in existence today),  Changdeokgung Palace(one of five palaces in Seoul), Hwaseong Fortress and so on which became UNESCO list. Not only about the treasure, this book also tells us about Hangeul (Korean alphabet), printing heritage, traditional music instruments, Mask and Mask dance-Dramas, Korean traditional food, Korean Ginseng, Korean dress, Personal Ornaments, Embroidery, Gardens, Decorative coloring used on Buildings, Patterns, Folk Painting, Paper Crafts, Korean Sports, and Korean Seasonal Customs. Those are very detail explanation in this book.
The specialty of this book will appear when we read, enjoy, and understand the text of each chapter.  This book used English but the reader mostly will enjoy reading it because the publisher did not use the hard-understanding English. This book also was enriched with many pictures, so that the reader will not be bored when they read it. Furthermore, the publisher can explain each topic in details and deep explanation. It was supported with the pictures which were attached in every page.
The existence of this book is very acceptable for people who now get the K-Pop fever especially. Moreover the book explained in depth about Korean Culture, all about Korea. It is expected to give us the benefits and enjoyments in learning Korean tradition or culture. It is also hoped becomes the guide for people in the world especially in Indonesia, so that they can learn and get more knowledge and experience about Korean culture.